Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All the talented people!

One of the perks of being an artist is you get to surround yourself with other amazing talented people. Mary Weaver, a good friend and past coworker of mine recently had her ADORABLE tshirt design accepted and put on sale on this site.

Unfortunately, as is the deal with this site, it was only put on sale for one day and I missed the deadline to post this link ( I know, I totally fail). However, I do invite everyone to check out her blog and site for more awesome illustrations. I'm getting a t-shirt in the mail for my birthday and I can't wait til the package shows up on my front porch!

I also just received word that another friend of mine's husband's cousin's (ok, so the relationship is a tad distant) video has made it to the finals in the HP You on You competition. Having never met this person but having seen his entry, I have to say that I'm impressed:

I'm always a sucker for hand drawn animation, so this would definitely have gotten my vote whether I was friends with a member of his family or not. I encourage anyone who reads this to also go to the competition page and put in their thumbs up for "Chris Hand Drawn."