Thursday, July 2, 2009

For the Love of Nikon

I recently purchased a Nikon D90 and several lenses to feed my developing photography addiction. My beloved Konica Minolta Dimage Z6 finally bit the dust and I'd been wanting to upgrade to an SLR for quite some time. This may just be the best purchase I have ever made! Since acquiring it I've taken 3000 something photos and I'm loving learning about how to get different effects and play with the focus on it. Shots that I used to have to set up a tripod for I can now take as regular snap shots!

Since Adam and I are moving in together this month, we thought it would be nice to take some "family" photos.

The "parents" with the furry spoiled baby.

A closeup portrait

And a romance shot.

I also got the camera just in time for Adam's sister's wedding last weekend. Nothing like a wedding to act as an opportunity for you to learn how to use your camera!

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