Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Unfinished Business

So I had a goal for myself that I was going to illustrate a calendar for every month this year as an incentive to get me to focus on building my portfolio and updating this blog more often. Well, it's almost the end of February now and while I have done some illustrations for said calendar, I'm far behind and have not been keeping up with posting them every month.

So instead, I'm just going to post the two illustrations I DO have done and hope everyone enjoys them. :)

Here's January!

And February!

I'd like to still keep up with this and then maybe by 2010, I'll have a full year completely done.

Perhaps I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I have had a lot of freelance and other events in my life that have kept me very busy. In January I produced 6 illustrations for this adorable little company called Idbids and they were just now posted to their website. It was rather thrilling to have my work posted on the internet by someone other than myself. :)

1 comment:

indie illo said...

These illustrations are amazing and have been such an inspiration to my own ideas. Please check out my blog and leave comments I'd really appreciate your opinion :)