Friday, June 19, 2009

So I've been very fortunate over the past few days to have an influx of commissions coming in. The downside of this however is that it leaves me with less time to illustrate for fun, so I have nothing new to share today. I did however come across this AMAZING stop motion video done by a fellow SCAD alum, Bang-yao Liu. I do not know him personally, but I'm always happy to support a fellow classmate. As much as I love 3-D animation, it's always encouraging to see more traditional forms of animation being explored. I'm awe of people who have the patience to put together a project like this. Please enjoy:

Pretty awesome huh!

In the spirit of awesome stop motion, I also had to post the following video, "Her Morning Elegance," by
Oren Lavie. I know this video has already circled the blog circuit but I love it none-the-less. Every little detail of this video is a work of art!

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